Adventist belief breakdown: Belief 3
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has 28 fundamental beliefs. I snarkily list the underlying unspoken beliefs.
Belief 1 is snarked here:
Belief 2 is snarked here:
All beliefs are from the official Seventh-Day Adventist Church website,
Per their website, Adventists reserve the right to change or update beliefs.
Therefore, this page is archived here:
Adventist belief three:
3. God the Father
“God the eternal Father is the Creator,”
Unspoken underlying beliefs: There is a nonhuman being who has and always will exist. We call him God. Of all the world religions with gods, only the Protestant Christian one is the correct god. Of all the Protestant denominations, only one has god’s Endtimes Truth, and that's us, Adventists.
The rest of the world’s gods are either actual demons, or tricks from Satan to deceive you into not obeying god.
God is split into three parts and is one whole, too. This makes no sense and is called the Trinity.
We're talking about the part we call “the father” here.
We Adventists decided to 100% believe in the Trinity in 1957 via a book called Questions On Doctrine. Before that we argued about it.
We call god “Creator”. We teach the lie that god created the world 6k-10k years ago in a literal one week. This is called young earth creationism. All the evidence to the contrary is from Satan, so we don't bother teaching those sciences adequately in our Adventist schools.
We help start pseudoscience young earth creationism. Adventist George McCready Price was one founder teaching young earth creationism pseudoscience.
We also support, fund, market and sell products of organizations that teach this pseudoscience. We have pseudoscience organizations with sciencey names to make our pseudoscience seem The Truth. Here is one of ours, Geoscience Research Institute, that has been around since the 1950s.
We will teach your kids that scientists fabricate old earth evidence to trick humans into not obeying or believing in god.
“[God the Father is] Source, Sustainer, and Sovereign of all creation.”
Unspoken underlying assumptions: We Adventists like alliteration. That's why these three words all start with “s”.
We mean “god created the universe out of, well, we don't know what, so we say god’s the source of all the things, keeps all the things going, and is in charge of all the things”.
In practical life, that means we say “god is why” when science doesn't know a thing yet. This is called God of the Gaps theology.
We also ascribe all the natural predictable rules explaining the things, like gravity, to god too. Because why not.
“He is just and holy, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.”
Unspoken underlying things: God’s pronouns are he/his.
Terrible awful things happen on earth. We mushed these bible phrases together to make it clear god is not at all responsible for the awful terrible things.
In the Bible, god killed babies, supplies a recipe in the Bible for priest-administered abortion, ordered Israel to commit genocide, recommends slavery, made laws that force a raped woman to marry her rapist, and more horrible things. But god is totes “just and holy”.
God instantly killed a human trying to keep the ark of the covenant from falling over. But god is totes “slow to anger”.
In the End Times god will resurrect all humans. God will force them to kneel down to him and say “Yes, god, you told us you existed”. Then god will burn them all to death. But god is totes “abounding in steadfast love”.
Leaving the ordinary sinners dead is definitely not more merciful. Yes, they had suffering in life, plus suffering and fear and indignity prior to death. That is not enough punishment for ordinary sinners who dared to doubt god’s existence, and/or commit other sins that harm none. Nope, harmless sinners must burn to death too. But god is totes “merciful and gracious”.
”The qualities and powers exhibited in the Son and the Holy Spirit are also those of the Father.”
Unspoken underlying belief: The other two parts of god are the same as this God the father part. Don't question it. It just is. It's called the Trinity. We decided to believe this in 1957.
(Gen. 1:1; Deut. 4:35; Ps. 110:1, 4; John 3:16; 14:9; 1 Cor. 15:28; 1 Tim. 1:17; 1 John 4:8; Rev. 4:11.)
This is us virtue signaling that Adventist beliefs are made up from the bible. We're biblical people. This means we have The Truth.
Yes, we know you probably won't look these verses up.
Note: The Gentle Author has Gen 1:1, John 3:16, 1 John 4:8 living rent free in her mind, attached to little annoying bible verse tunes, taught to her when she was under age 10.